The outdoor living industry is expected to reach $5.7 billion in 2016. What's your share?

It's time to take your installs to the great outdoors. With the Episode Landscape Series and SunBriteTVs, you'll create a complete outdoor solution that you can actually sell.

So grab some speakers, a TV, and your sunglasses, and take your first step to owning the outdoors.

Episode Landscape Audio

High-end Performance

A systematic design and premium components ensure optimum coverage and exceptional sound.

Seamless Integration

Subtle earth tones and multiple mounting options allow for a discreet appearance in diverse environments.

Convenient Scalability

Mix, match, and add components to your install, even after completion.

Explore Episode

SunBriteTV Video

A Safe Solution

Here's your alternative to installing an indoor TV outside. No shock, no voided warranty, no risk.

Complete Reliability

A weatherproof and scratch-resistant construction stands up to anything.

Made for Professionals

It's simple. If you're completing an outdoor install, an indoor TV just won't cut it. You need a true outdoor TV.

Explore SunBriteTV