Control4 Certified Showroom Program

Certified dealer showroom

What is the Control4® Certified Showroom Dealer Program?

Want to expand your business networks, try new marketing initiatives, and become an even better Partner? A Control4 Certified Showroom showcases the beauty and functionality of Control4 and gives prospective clients and homeowners an opportunity to engage with it firsthand. If you are passionate about Control4, dedicated to the Snap One family of brands, are amazing at customer service and providing quality installs, consider applying to become a Control4 Certified Showroom Dealer.

A C4 certified showroom


There are several benefits to a Control4 Certified Showroom:

  • Join ranks with an exclusive group of elite Control4 Partners
  • Be prominently featured on our Partner Locator on as a Certified Showroom
  • Receive strategic Control4 marketing promotion of your Showroom for select local, national, and global demonstration events
  • Gain access to Control4 marketing materials to support business development
  • Maintain Certified Showroom designation regardless of your Partner status

How to Qualify

To qualify for the Control4 Certified Showroom Program, you must meet the following expectations:

  • Control4 must be your preferred and/or primary automation solution and must represent most of your automation business
  • Control4 solutions must be the dominant product line showcased in your Showroom and feature the benefits of one- or no-touch access to convenient and elegant lifestyle experiences
  • Your business must be sufficiently sized and staffed to simultaneously support Showroom demonstration, marketing activities, project installation, and customer service

Want to learn more? Reach out to us at [email protected].

A C4 certified showroom certification on wall