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Click on more info to Add to order and more Secondary Power Supply Board

- By ordering this product with custom specifications you acknowledge that the sale is final and the product may not be returned or exchanged.

- Send us a sample of the wood that you would like the speaker to match. Your order will be placed on hold for up to 14 days as we wait for your wood sample. Samples not received after 14 days will cause your order to be canceled. Please send your physical sample along with a copy of your Triad Order attached to the address listed below.

Triad Speakers
Sales - RUSH - Paint Sample
15835 NE Cameron Blvd.
Portland, OR 97230
- Your order will be placed on hold for up to 14 days as we wait for your color sample. Samples not received after 14 days will cause your order to be canceled. Your sample must be of a solid color. Wood, multi colored wallpaper/fabrics and faux finishes CANNOT be sent as samples for custom paint matching. Please send your physical color sample along with a copy of your Triad Order attached to the address listed below.

Triad Speakers
Sales - RUSH - Paint Sample
15835 NE Cameron Blvd.
Portland, OR 97230

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The B100 provides an additional voltage in a FlexPower system. This voltage can either be accessed directly via the B100's terminals or through other FlexPower Accessory Boards. The B100’s input is typically supplied by the B1 buss in the system, allowing the FPO’s battery to be set to back up the B100’s output voltage without the need for a second battery set. Output settings for the B100 include a fixed 12V setting and an adjustable setting of 5 to 18V. Multiple B100s can be added to a system for virtually unlimited voltage combinations. Secondary Power Supply Board

The B100 provides an additional voltage in a FlexPower system. This voltage can either be accessed directly via the B100's terminals or through other FlexPower Accessory Boards. The B100’s input is typically supplied by the B1 buss in the system, allowing the FPO’s battery to be set to back up the B100’s output voltage without the need for a second battery set. Output settings for the B100 include a fixed 12V setting and an adjustable setting of 5 to 18V. Multiple B100s can be added to a system for virtually unlimited voltage combinations.


Distributed Brand Warranty

We want to make our Third-Party Partner program as easy as possible. That’s why we process all claims directly, without any third party telephone tag. Specific warranty terms and details from the manufacturer can be found here.View the full Warranty.

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